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For this film, I tried to switch it up and do a horror film. This is the first original idea I've thought of and I plan to continue to improve upon the idea. the lighting isn't bad for all natural light and I plan to use organized lighting for the new film. I also plan to use a 7d and a 50mm lens to tighten some of the shots. After the whip pan, the focus went out, so I plan to improve my quick focus skills after the whip pan. I had a lot of fun filming this with Ava and I plan to remain more openminded to creating new ideas based on given shots. Although I felt rushed, Im happy I got this film together in such a short time to get a baseline ideas. 

Story Board

My story board Art isn't the best, but it gets the point across. I also put in more information then I usually do. I added how tight the shots were going to be and I also combined some of the shots into one bigger clip. I had two eye close-ups in one clip along with the gun and the gun shot. My story board isn't exact, but it gave me an idea of what I wanted to do and how much stuff exactly I had to do.


This part to me was the most difficult. Coming up with an idea, a place to film, what to film and what camera to use to film was difficult. Once I had my story board together, this process was so much easier and I had a baseline for what I wanted to do with this rough draft of a film. I was very happy with what I did and I hope to continue to improve upon this idea. Setting up for filming was rather easy. We didn't use artificial lights except for Ava's laptop and her lamp.


I also helped Ava film and I acted in her film. This film can be seen to the right.

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