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Grateful Hearts - Interview Daniel's mom


New Co. - Interview my mom about Stratton being bought by Aspen


BBA Bass Fishing - Interview Mr. Anderson about the new varsity sport.

- Film B-Roll at Orvis

Schedule appointment with Mr. Anderson to film/interview (Emerald Lake on Friday)


BBA Bass Fishing

Daniel Cassie and I decided to interview the BBA Bass fishing team. The original plan was to film at Orvis, but we lost all of our B-roll due to a complication with with our SD card. Someone used it and formatted it when we specifically told them not to. This helped us a ton. We filmed the B-roll at the Emerald lake and it looked so much better than at Orvis. We also go the bass fishing team at practice which helped us to improve our film as a whole. Dan and I both split the filming and reached filmed a couple shots and would give it to the other person and have them take a couple shots and etcetera.


For Pre-production, Daniel Cassie and I didn't have to do to much. We sent one email to Mr. Anderson and he replied to us the day after. Daniel brought up the idea of going to one of their practices and Mr. Anderson was more than excited to let us come to one to the practices and get a feel for what BBA Bass Fishing is all about. Setting up our shots was a little pressured due to the fact that we had no idea of what we wanted. We decided to film with the 50mm lens and were extremely happy with it. I had never used the 50, but using it during this interview, it was extremely nice. It was very good for the B-roll that we wanted as well.Daniel and I set up the shot for the interview. We left the light stands in the car so I had to hold the light and Daniel had to interview  Mr. Anderson. During the interview, Mr. Anderson moved quite a bit making the focus cut in and out. I'm very happy with the shot as a whole condiering Daniel and I went on the spot and decided where we were going to film 10 minutes prior to the interview. Considering that, I thought we did a great job of filming the shot we wanted. Editing took 30 minutes after school and was rather simple. Color correcting before you cut up the clips was extremely nice and helped us work more proficiently and get the edit done fast. For music, we just looked up interview music and copied it into final cut. Making this cut of the story was extremely easy. We had filmed so much B-roll that we had no issue pasting the B-roll into Final Cut and using it effectively. Most of the B-roll clips are uncut and exactly the raw shot. The only thing we changed was the order in which we placed them. We liked some shots more than others so we included only about 50% of the B-roll that we filmed. 


BBA News

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